Are you in the market for a generator right now? If you are, you’re going to find that a new one is often going to cost a pretty penny.

On average, new generators sell for anywhere from $2,500 on the low end to up over $15,000 on the high end. That is obviously a lot of money to spend on a single generator!
One way to get around paying these outrageous costs is by investing in a used generator instead. A second-hand generator will work just as well as a new generator will in most cases for just a fraction of the cost.
Before buying a generator that has been used, though, there are some things that you’ll want to keep in mind. This goes for those buying a commercial generator, diesel generators, or any other used generators out there.
Take a look at six tips for buying a used generator below.

1. Look for a Used Generator Made by One of the Best Brands

If you’re going to go with a used generator over a new one, one of the things you should make sure you do is buy a used generator made by a top brand. The best used generators are almost always the ones made by the same handful of brands.
Some of the brands that you can count on to provide you with a high-quality used generator are:
Detroit Diesel
Stewart & Stevenson
Whatever you do, you don’t ever want to invest in a used generator made by some no-name company that you’ve never heard of before. You’ll be asking for trouble if you take this approach.

2. Ask How Often a Generator Was Used Prior to Buying It
There is a chance that the used generator that you’re thinking about buying was used over and over again throughout the course of time. But there is also a chance—a good chance actually—that it may have been used sparingly since it was first purchased.
If this turns out to be the case, you could be getting a like-new generator for a whole lot less than you would pay for a new one. It all depends on how often a used generator was used over time.
Don’t be afraid to ask whoever owns a generator how often they used it. You could get your hands on a steal if it wasn’t used very much.

3. Find Out How Well a Generator Was Maintained Over Time
Generator maintenance is something that’s very important. It’s why you’re going to want to be sure that a used generator was maintained in the right ways before pulling the trigger on it and buying it.
You should ask the owner of a generator to provide you with some information on the maintenance that was done to it. Furthermore, you should see if they kept any records regarding generator maintenance to prove the steps that they took to keep it in good condition.
The last thing you want to do is purchase a generator that wasn’t maintained at all by the previous owner. It’s going to be way more likely to break down on you when this is the case.

4. Check Out the Features Included in a Used Generator
One advantage of going with a new generator over a used one is that it’s typically going to have more features than the old one. It’s a big reason why so many people go with new generators over used generators in the first place.
But with that being said, you might be surprised to see that a generator from a few years ago isn’t that different from one that was just released this year. You should check out the features found in a used generator and compare them to the features found in a new generator to see which features really set them apart.
If there aren’t that many features that make the two generators different, purchasing the used one could make all the sense in the world.

5. Consider the Cost of a Used Generator Versus a New One
As we touched on way back at the beginning, it’s not going to be cheap to buy a new generator. They cost thousands and, in some instances, tens of thousands of dollars.
But the same can be said for some used generators. Those selling used generators might try to squeeze every penny out of them by pricing them higher than they should be.
This should give you every reason to price shop for generators when you’re in the market for one. Compare the costs of new versus used generators and use what you can find to negotiate the price of a used generator down if you can.

6. Make Sure a Used Generator Comes With Some Kind of Warranty

Let’s face it: A used generator probably There are always more questions involved when buying something used—and a used generator is no exception. Here’s what you need to look out for!

Are you in the market for a generator right now? If you are, you’re going to find that a new one is often going to cost a pretty penny.

Buy a Great Used Generator Today

When buying a generator, going with a used generator over a new one is almost always a good idea. You can save yourself a boatload of money while still getting access to a great generator.

Just make sure that you utilize the tips for buying a used generator found here. They’ll make sure that you don’t end up regretting your purchase later on.

Want to discover more about how to buy heavy-duty equipment for the right price? Browse through the other articles located on our blog to get great advice on doing it.

Rich Seigel - Author

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